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Five new varieties complete product range

The Solana group, along with Den Hartigh, expands its product range by five new varieties. They are innovative, high yielding, and fulfil most customers’ needs and requirements: varieties for table potatoes, as well as for the production of French fries and crisps (and dehydrated potato products).
Three new varieties are to be launched into the fresh table market:
Prada is a very early variety, producing high yields. It has excellent results under plastic with a growth period of about 70 days and has pallida resistance. Prada is suitable for home fry production.
Baby Lou is a long-term storage variety. It is very tasty and is a variety destined to do well in the baby potato and salad market. It produces high numbers of tubers per root, and is very even in size.
Noya – a table variety with white flesh – is also suitable for long-term storage. It has high yields and new trial results suggest baker content will be high.
Being a multipurpose variety Edison is suitable for French fries, home fries, table potatoes including bakers, roasted potatoes. Even after long term storage it shows an excellent frying quality.
Rossini is a second early to early maincrop variety. It is suitable for crisps and mashed potatoes. Rossini has an outstanding resistance to nematodes and is also resistant to Rhizoctonia.
Are you looking for more information?
Please find the descriptions of the varieties here:
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How do we breed new varieties?
Please find more information here .