Europatat Congress 2015
The European potato industry discussed creative approaches

From 5th to 7th May, the Europatat Congress took place in Germany, themed “Potato Market - A creative approach”. More than 100 high-ranking guests, among them most of the major retail and packing companies, attended the congress, which was supported by Solana as a sponsor.
The presentations and discussions focused on providing creative approaches for the potato industry. The keynote speakers Prof. Dr. H.C. Harald von Witzke (Humboldt University Berlin), Katrin Bohn (University of Technology, Berlin) and Niels Alzen, Creative Director Scholz & Friends.
The Europatat Congress is held at the beginning of each new potato season and takes place in a different European location every year.
This year’s conference has been organized by the European Potato Trade Association Europatat and the German Potato Trading Association DKHV.
More information: www.europatatcongress.eu