Toscana is known for its attractive oval to round oval tubers with shallow eyes and deep yellow flesh colour. The high yielding and robust maincrop ware potato is especially liked for its beautiful skin and a high uniformity in shape and size. Excellent tolerance to scab, bruising, Rhizoctonia, blackleg and tuber rots. Resistant to PCN Ro 1, 4.

Plant |
Maturity | Medium early |
Plant type | Intermediate |
Growth habit | Semi-upright |
Color of flower | White |
Foliage development | Rapid |
Number of tubers | High |
Dormancy | Medium, High |
Tuber characteristics |
Tuber shape | Round oval |
Flesh color | Yellow |
Eye depth | Very shallow, Shallow |
Skin color | Yellow |
Skin characteristic | Smooth |
Resistances |
Nematodes | Ro 1, Ro 4 |
Leaf blight | Medium |
Tuber blight | High |
Rhizoctonia | High |
Black leg | High |
Common scab | High |
Internal rust spot | Medium, High |
Second growth | Medium |
Silver scurf | High |
Damages | High |
Bruising | High, Very high |
PVY | Medium |
PVY ntn | Very high |
PLRV | Low |
Yield and Quality |
Market outlet | Ware, Directmarketing, Pre-packing |
Yield | High |
Share oversize | Medium |
Share undersize | Low |
Cooking type | Fairly firm cooking |
After cooking discoloration | Low |
Discoloration raw | Low |
Dry matter content | Low, Medium |