An early maincrop variety, suitable for crisps and dehydrated potato products. Its outstanding resistances against PCN Ro 1(9), Ro 3(9) as well as Pa 2(9) and Pa 3(9) make Rossini attractive for intensively farmed potato land. Next to PCN resistance, it is also resistant against potato wart disease 1. Tubers are round oval with a light yellow flesh colour. Good tolerances against bruising, blackleg and tuber blight. Irrigation is worthwile. The highest crisping quality is achieved from greentop harvesting directly from the field until December.

Plant |
Maturity | Medium early |
Plant type | Stem type |
Growth habit | Upright |
Color of flower | Light red-violet |
Foliage development | Rapid |
Number of tubers | High |
Dormancy | Medium, High |
Tuber characteristics |
Tuber shape | Round oval |
Flesh color | Cream, Light yellow |
Eye depth | Shallow, Medium |
Skin color | Yellow |
Skin characteristic | Netted |
Resistances |
Nematodes | Ro 1, Ro 3, Pa 2 (8), Pa 3 |
Potato wart disease | Race 1 |
Leaf blight | Medium, High |
Tuber blight | Medium |
Rhizoctonia | Medium |
Black leg | High |
Common scab | Medium |
Internal rust spot | Medium |
Damages | Medium |
Bruising | Medium |
PVY | Low |
PVY ntn | High |
Yield and Quality |
Market outlet | Crisps, Dehydrated potato products |
Yield | Medium |
Share oversize | Low |
Share undersize | Medium |
After cooking discoloration | Low |
Discoloration raw | Medium |
Dry matter content | Medium |
Chips quality after harvest | Good |