Masai is a new high yielding, red skinned variety with large, oval tubers. Smooth skin, yellow flesh color, cooking type AB and good taste. Masai is a table variety with a relatively early tuber setting and long dormancy in store. Furthermore it has a good home fries ability. Resistant against bruising, common scab, powdery scab, fusarium, tuber blight, alternaria, hollow heart, potato wart disease race 1 and PCN Ro 1-5.
Plant |
Maturity | Medium early |
Plant type | Intermediate |
Growth habit | Semi-upright |
Color of flower | Red-violet |
Foliage development | Rapid |
Number of tubers | Medium |
Dormancy | High |
Tuber characteristics |
Tuber shape | Oval, Long oval |
Flesh color | Yellow, Deep yellow |
Eye depth | Shallow |
Skin color | Red |
Skin characteristic | Smooth |
Resistances |
Nematodes | Ro 1-Ro 5 |
Potato wart disease | Race 1 |
Leaf blight | Medium |
Tuber blight | High |
Rhizoctonia | Medium |
Common scab | High, Very high |
Internal rust spot | Medium, High |
Second growth | High |
Silver scurf | High |
Damages | Medium |
Bruising | Medium |
PVY | Medium |
PVY ntn | Medium |
Yield and Quality |
Market outlet | Ware, Directmarketing, Pre-packing |
Yield | High |
Share oversize | High |
Share undersize | Low |
Cooking type | Firm cooking |
After cooking discoloration | Low |
Discoloration raw | Low |
Dry matter content | Medium |